I like thinking about my first Fusion class because it helps me see how far I’ve come. I walked into one of Erica’s classes carrying far too much baby weight and a bundle of self-esteem issues under my baggy t-shirt and sweatpants. I was looking for something different, but I was NOT prepared for what was coming! Half way through my first class, I took a bathroom break because I had to convince the spaghetti I’d eaten for dinner to stay put, mentally curse myself for thinking this was a great idea, and adjust my ponytail. I told myself that I only had 30 minutes left to fake it in that corner of the classroom, then I could go home and collapse. I got back out there and scanned the crowd to avoid watching myself flail about in the mirror. I saw many different body types, age ranges, ability levels, and all of them were having fun! I heard Erica’s voice yelling “You’ve got this!” I most certainly did not have IT unless that IT was a punch card for more classes (which seemed like a mistake at that point). When the class was over, I was pooling sweat and beet red. Despite my newbie struggles, I had survived and I knew I’d found something rare. It was the pure joy for fitness, and it was contagious!
I had to learn to let go of my inhibitions and stop worrying about what other people thought. Being surrounded by women that lifted me up made this possible.

Each year, Fusion has taken me further on my fitness journey. In 2015, the battle was finding my confidence and just enjoying dance again. I had to learn to let go of my inhibitions and stop worrying about what other people thought. Being surrounded by women that lifted me up made this possible. I began to truly love working out again and I wanted more! I attended Fusion’s Nutrition Seminar in the Fall and began learning how to fuel my body for better workouts.
2016 was my year for a true lifestyle change. I’d worn numerous clothing sizes over the past 11 years and I had a closet full of clothes I was holding on to ‘just in case’ I needed them again. Healthy eating and boot camp were about to change that. I was now a My Healthy Goals member and incorporating Erica’s tips into my daily routine. I had begged my husband to join me at Fusion for quite some time. I promised him that if he’d join Men’s Camp I would join Women’s Boot Camp. In August, we started this new phase together, hopeful that we’d simply survive but we ended up with so much more! We often kid swap and juggle crazy schedules to make it to practices and events, but we always look forward to coming home to talk about our workouts. It’s become our thing – who knew that could happen?! Fusion has really become part of our family. We enjoy the time we carve out to focus on bettering ourselves, we’ve formed new friendships, and are grateful we can set a healthy example for our boys.
We enjoy the time we carve out to focus on bettering ourselves, we’ve formed new friendships, and are grateful we can set a healthy example for our boys.

My goal for 2017 is to simply keep moving forward. I started HIIT Kick classes, donated all those ‘just in case’ clothes, and am never looking back! I am down 2 clothing sizes and thrilled I no longer have to deal with the ups and downs that come with fad diets or boring workouts. The new and improved My Healthy Goals program continues to provide the convenience of weekly grocery lists and recipes that simplify my life in the kitchen. I’ve made steady progress and feel like I’ve just gotten started. I found my happy place and my ‘strong’ at Fusion!

I’ve got an invaluable support system at Fusion Fitness. Thank you, Erica, Mike, and Team Fusion, for keeping my family happy and healthy. You brighten our days and make us stronger!
If you’re looking for a lifestyle change, Fusion Fitness provides support, coaching, encouragement, and the knowledge necessary to succeed. Everything you want is waiting on the other side if you could just get past your fear. It was for me. No matter where you are physically or how you feel about yourself, this is the perfect place to start. It’s taken time and lots of work to rebuild my confidence and change my body, but it’s been worth it!! I’m looking forward to continued improvement and I am secure in knowing I have a support system at Fusion Fitness that is worth far more than the monetary cost. Thank you, Erica, Mike, and Team Fusion, for keeping my family happy and healthy. You brighten our days and make us stronger!
It’s back!!! Come sweat with us at Club Fusion With A Cause!