My personal New Year’s Resolution on January 2013, plus an invite from Mike’s mom is what got me through the doors at Fusion Fitness. I’d spent 10 years as a stay-at-home mom, and the only fitness in my schedule was playing outside with my children and occasionally walking around the zoo. I’d never danced in my life, and was really nervous about coming to my first Fusion dance class. I hid along the back wall, tried to keep up and went home exhausted, but excited. Who knew fitness could be so much fun with loud music and a huge group of enthusiastic women!
I’d never danced in my life, and was really nervous about coming to my first Fusion dance class. I hid along the back wall, tried to keep up and went home exhausted, but excited. Who knew fitness could be so much fun with loud music and a huge group of enthusiastic women!

I’d already lost about 20 pounds on my own, but was I frustrated. I was still about 40 pounds overweight, and I was stuck–I didn’t know what else to do. Coming to Fusion dance consistently, several times a week, and starting to walk/jog around my neighborhood helped me lose 20 more pounds that first few months. Then in May, Erica invited me to join her early morning Women’s Boot Camp.
Even though I’d improved my cardio abilities, I still had no true strength. At the first Boot Camp, I couldn’t hold a plank, I couldn’t hold a wall-sit, and I think my first set of dumbbells I brought were 5 lbs and 8 lbs and felt shaky! But I committed to at least 3 months of trying something new, and the trainers were super encouraging and made sure I was using good form. As I added muscle strength, my body responded with more fat loss. I also added the Core class because 10 years of weight gain and bad posture had really weakened my abdomen. I was able to re-train and tighten up my middle!

At the first Boot Camp, I couldn’t hold a plank…but the trainers were super encouraging. As I added muscle strength, my body responded with more fat loss.
Then I went to Erica’s first Nutrition Seminar, and honestly that is when things really started to change for me. I had never been taught about real food vs. processed food. I had no clue about my body’s protein needs, or complex carbs or healthy fats. I joined her My Healthy Goals program so I could learn how to grocery shop, meal plan, and food prep. I stuck with Boot Camp and by adding better nutrition, lost a total of 40 pounds after 18 months at Fusion!

I joined her MHG program so I could learn how to grocery shop, meal plan, and food prep. I stuck with Boot Camp and lost a total of 40 pounds after 18 months at Fusion!
A few times that I felt like I’d hit a plateau, I signed up for some 1-on-1 Nutrition Counseling, so she could help me change my meals to meet my the needs of my changing body. As I got stronger from Boot Camp, I decided to add 1-on-1 Personal Strength Training, too, so I could really learn how to push for more muscle development and grow stronger. Something funny happens when you start getting in shape. Not only do you feel stronger and healthier, but you also feel more energetic, capable and confident. I started picking up other fitness hobbies with outside dance classes and was really excited when Fusion added Yoga to their schedule. I already knew from my short, home practice how much it helped with stress, but had never been in an actual class. I love Yoga! Yoga, for me, is about so much more than just the flexibility and strength in the poses. It’s an internal change for my thoughts and emotions that helps with my mindset about life-stress. It has become a part of my daily morning routine, and starting this fall, I will be doing teacher training under our Fusion Yogi, Sarah!
I love Yoga! Yoga, for me, is about so much more than just the flexibility and strength in the poses. It’s an internal change for my thoughts and emotions that helps with my mindset about life-stress.

Fusion has changed the entire direction of my life from being frustrated by poor health, to giving me back my youth, energy and strength. I plan to spend the rest of my life encouraging others the same way Fusion has encouraged me. There are lots of places you can get information about exercise or nutrition, but the positive attitude and cheerful motivation is what draws me most to Mike and Erica and the way they teach and train. I’m very proud to be fit because of Fusion.

Nutrition is the lock and My Healthy Goals is the key!