You hear it all the time…Get out of your comfort zone! What does that actually mean? The internet is full of cliché motivational quotes and memes about getting out of your comfort zone:
– “The magic happens out of your comfort zone.”
– “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
– “Everything you ever wanted is just outside of your comfort zone.”
After working with clients from all different backgrounds for the past decade I can tell you that these quotes are true. Staying in your comfort zone gives people a sense of security and safety that, let’s face it…makes it hard to “risk” stepping out of it.

The quote that has been stuck in my head for years is, “Great things never come from comfort zones.” After working with clients from all different backgrounds for the past decade I can tell you that these quotes are true. Staying in your comfort zone gives people a sense of security and safety that, let’s face it…makes it hard to “risk” stepping out of it. There isn’t ultimately anything wrong with staying in your comfort zone, unless you are getting too comfortable and holding yourself back instead of challenging and growing. Think about the difference between content and complacent. We should be content in all seasons.

Almost daily one of my clients will look directly at me and say, “This is way out of my comfort zone.” My response is always, “Great!” Striving to provide a healthy and challenging atmosphere is our #1 goal.
One of the first quotes I ever adopted in fitness is “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!”
I work with clients on a regular basis on at least pushing and poking at their comfort zones. Sometimes this happens with one foot in and one foot out. Little things like:
– “So what if you fail the first time?”
– “Lets attack that weakness instead of avoiding it!”
– And my personal favorite…”Dance like no one is watching.”
Almost daily one of my clients will look directly at me and say, “This is way out of my comfort zone.” My response is always, “Great!” Striving to provide a healthy and challenging atmosphere is our #1 goal. We want you to feel safe, loved and encouraged WHILE taking the big plunge. We are trained and certified with years of experience so that with compassion, we can hold your hand through the scary stuff.
I see greatness in people every single day. Overcoming injuries, balance, mental blocks, upping weight poundage, jumping a little higher, pushing harder, trying a new class, or just SHOWING UP FOR THE FIRST TIME!

Our mission is simple–we want to help you find your strong INSIDE and OUT. Challenging yourself is not meant to overwhelm you…it’s meant to find your greatness. I see greatness in people every single day. Overcoming injuries, balance, mental blocks, upping weight poundage, jumping a little higher, pushing harder, trying a new class, or just SHOWING UP FOR THE FIRST TIME! You will notice I didn’t say anything crazy like sky diving, or doing 500 consecutive pushups. I’m talking about real life fitness comfort zones that I help people overcome every day. Don’t blow it out of proportion! Everyone has their own thresholds and goals. This is why I say find YOUR strength inside and out.

Nutrition is the lock and My Healthy Goals is the key!