I guess you could say I started with a New Year’s resolution. In December 2014, I had a 3-year-old, a 9-month-old, was a stay-at-home mom, and a small business owner – life was busy! When it came to my health and taking care of my body, it wasn’t a high priority. I was in survival mode, trying to take care of my family and find the energy for each day. That December, if I’m being honest, I was only looking for a way to lose baby weight as quickly as possible so I could jump back into every other priority. A number on a scale was all I cared about, but I’m so thankful that something I intended to be a jumpstart has now become a lifestyle.
I had a 3-year-old, a 9-month-old, was a stay-at-home mom, and a small business owner – life was busy! A number on a scale was all I cared about, but I’m so thankful that something I intended to be a jumpstart has now become a lifestyle.

I had no idea where to begin, since all of my “quick fix” solutions seemed to be failing. I called Erica one afternoon, and two weeks later I was sitting in her nutrition seminar, and in the New Year I joined My Healthy Goals, Fusion classes, and Women’s Boot Camp. Something I initially thought would be a several weeks’ commitment turned into so much more.

Two weeks later I was sitting in her nutrition seminar, and in the New Year I joined My Healthy Goals, Fusion classes, and Women’s Boot Camp. Something I initially thought would be a several weeks’ commitment turned into so much more.
Over the next few months, I could see my mindset on health changing. It became a lot less about getting to a certain “skinny weight,” and a lot more about becoming as strong and as healthy as I could be. In a culture where we put so much emphasis on the superficial, I’m so thankful that my mentality shifted. Without even realizing it, I was letting a number on a scale define who I was – mentally, emotionally, and physically. That’s not the way I want to live, and that’s not the kind of thing I want to pass down to my children.
Have I lost weight over the past 2 years? Yes. Has that number given me value and changed the way I see myself? No. Thankfully, challenging myself to be stronger physically has helped me value the strength I have as a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a friend. I’m so grateful for that! I never want physical weakness to hold me back from living the life God has called me to lead – that’s so much more important than an obsession with a scale.
Thankfully, challenging myself to be stronger physically has helped me value the strength I have as a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a friend. I’m so grateful for that! I never want physical weakness to hold me back.

So why did I choose Fusion Fitness over somewhere else? First of all, they lead by example. Everything they teach, they do. It’s easy to follow that kind of leadership. Second, to know the Hills means to know their entire family. They put their family first, even above their business. I love that about them! It’s our goal to do the same thing in our family. When I look at my priorities, I want them in this order: my faith in God, my family (and that includes taking care of me), and then my work. Last, I don’t know anywhere else you can get as good of a workout while having so much fun. I am constantly encouraged and inspired by the amazing stories of the women I meet at Fusion. I am privileged to know them! That kind of community is key in keeping you going.

Mike and Erica treated me like an athlete before I ever saw that potential in myself, and they have never allowed me to make excuses for what I perceived to be something beyond my abilities. I appreciate that more than words can say!
There’s something invaluable about having people around you who challenge, encourage, and believe in you. Mike and Erica treated me like an athlete before I ever saw that potential in myself, and they have never allowed me to make excuses for what I perceived to be something beyond my abilities. I appreciate that more than words can say!

Nutrition is the lock and My Healthy Goals is the key!